An image can have up to 56 channels. By default, Bitmap-mode, grayscale, duotone, and indexed-color images have one channel; RGB and Lab images have three; and CMYK images have four. You can add channels to all image types except Bitmap-mode images.
In most cases, Lab, RGB, grayscale, and CMYK images contain 8 bits of data per color channel. This translates to a 24-bit Lab bit depth (8 bits x 3 channels), a 24-bit RGB bit depth (8 bits x 3 channels), an 8-bit grayscale bit depth (8 bits x 1 channel), and a 32-bit CMYK bit depth (8 bits x 4 channels). Photoshop can also work with Lab, RGB, CMYK, multichannel, and grayscale images that contain 16 bits of data per color channel.